Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dear Church:

When we get to Heaven, what will we see?

Will there be one section for Lutherans, another for Baptists, another for Catholics, and yet another for every other denomination? Will there be some people worshipping in their own section because they were on one side of a debate within the faith about ______? While the others from the opposite side of the debate are in a different section?

What is worth debating? It is good to debate for the sake of Christ.
But PLEASE be very careful!
In the setting of a "debate" you are already known to be on two different sides of the discussion. Both parties are very knowledgeable of what they've chosen to believe and why they believe it. Both parties have great and believable reasons behind their beliefs.

Do not be disrespectful of the time and energy these individuals have put in to shape their beliefs. Everyone is searching for what it is that is truth. Many have been deceived. But the thing about deception is to be deceived means you BELIEVE a lie. One or both parties of a debate are deceived. Both think they are not the ones deceived. This by itself causes friction. If you are both believers, it is then causing friction within the body of Christ. If you are both legs and one tries to go one way and the other goes the other, what good is that? If you're not building up the body and seeking TRUTH together, what good is the conversation?

Instead of becoming full of pride and needing to be right, we need to humble ourselves and ask God for His truth to be made known. If we seek truth wholeheartedly, we will find truth. If you are not seeking truth but just to be right and to have enough "information" to be right, deceit will follow you. You may convince many that you are right, but in the end, the light of Truth will shine down like a spotlight on your deceitful ways.

I believe my Bible in context. I do my best to study my Bible in context. Looking up the direct translation of the Greek words in my Bible make for great studies and expand upon what the verses say and mean. I trust the scholars that had the tedious job of translating the original manuscripts into our languages so that we could have the Word of God. I read His Word in my own language and when I seek more understanding, I look up the Greek.

Do not expect people to know the Greek meanings in every scripture of the Bible! If you do have understanding from doing such studies, please SHARE what you've learned. Do not belittle people (especially other believers) if you believe they do not have as much knowledge on a certain topic.
If you disagree about a Scripture, duke it out with Christ, not each other. Seek truth on your own. Going back and forth over these things does not build up the body, but tears it apart.
If we ever want to find unity in the Body of Christ, we must let go of our pride and realize that:

"...the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." -1 Corinthians 1:25

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Bekah put a piece of bread in her mouth,
took it out,
put it on her fork,
took it off the fork,
put it back in her mouth,
back on the fork,
back in her mouth,
back on the fork,
THEN finally pulled the fork to her mouth, bit the bread and got SO excited, she didn't even notice it fall out of her mouth!
She then proceeded to pretend to eat off her empty fork and did a little happy dance:
fork proudly in the air, both arms flailing wildly, big cheese grin and scrunched nose..

These are the moments I live for!

On the menu tonight: Mac n' cheese, sweet peas, and buttered bread :)

Prior to this eventful dinner, we played outside for awhile and I engulfed her in sunscreen. Her head was part of this, so her hair became a gooey mess :) After swimming and romping around in the grass and a snack, I put her down for her nap. You can imagine what her hair looked like after her 90-minute nap.. in case you can't, I shall add pictures to this post tonight. I only wish I had the camera rolling for her fork dance, but pictures of the peas n cheese covered face with the wild-woman hair will have to do! ...stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I am blessed because my hubby is the BEST!

For MOTHER'S day, he took me to make an appointment to get THIS (which I had done today!)

Also today, I found out he is buying me a 2002 JEEP Grand Cherokee!! It will be my first car in my name :) PLUS I will be an SUV mom! :) yessss!

THEN He let me get a spa pedicure and I got the prettiest shoes in the whole wide world :)
ahhh. Good day.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


A time for new things. A refreshing season of rain as temperatures begin to rise bringing forth a beautiful relief after such a long, cold winter. The grass is green, flowers are growing, and buds are covering our bare trees. Birds are nesting and singing praises everyday. A time to remember and celebrate the resurrection of Christ and be filled with the truth and hope of His glorious return.

.I. .L o v e. .SPRING.

As this is my very first post in almost a year now, I'm sure you all know I am not 17 months pregnant (praise GOD) but I have a beautiful 8 month old little lady that I am blessed to spend every single day with!

Isn't she the sweetest?? :)

^link to her awesome Etsy shop! :)

That's her with her adoring Grandpa B :)
more pics to come..

I went off on a limb this year for Easter and decided to cook Easter dinner for the Brooks side of the fam. Of course all day the day before I decided to go on a spring cleaning spree while Brian was working, and forgot to make the chicken! SO, after Brian got home and helped me finish cleaning, we started to prep the chicken. At 1:30 in the morning.. we finished and had everything cleaned up around 3AM and decided to just stay up since we were afraid we wouldn't wake up at 6 to make it to our church that is 45 minutes away by 8.

sidenote:(Brian was in the drama this year which was AWESOME! Great job, honey! Brought me..and many others to tears. It was very powerful and God was glorified in our lives. Also, awesome job CJ Breedlove, whom authored and directed the drama in submission to the Holy Spirit! It was truly Awesome.)

back to the early morning of Easter:
So while Brian went upstairs to pick out a movie, I decided to give our foster-cat some water.. and spilled an entire pitcher of water all over her food dish, the trash can, and the floor. I fell asleep during the movie and got a couple hours of sleep, but Brian stayed up all night. The next day, I am convinced that we had a divine energy from the Lord.. a second wind of sorts until we got to my mom's house to crash. We had lunch there (SO good! Thanks mom and Shelly!!) and visited with family before heading back home to the gathering of family there.

The chicken, and potato dish that I left for my wonderful mother-in-law to tackle, turned out so incredibly good! (phew!) It was a recipe I picked up from the kitchen in Minnesota at Bethany College of Missions.. I volunteered there as a requirement for my internship with the Honor Academy which shared the same campus for the year. We served this dish on special occasions and weddings ONLY, so it seemed fitting for Easter :)

Here are the recipes! These potatoes MUST be served alongside the chicken, or it is NOT the same whatsoever!! And, both should be served piping HOT! :) Enjoy!

What are some of your favourite family recipes or traditions for Easter?