A time for new things. A refreshing season of rain as temperatures begin to rise bringing forth a beautiful relief after such a long, cold winter. The grass is green, flowers are growing, and buds are covering our bare trees. Birds are nesting and singing praises everyday. A time to remember and celebrate the resurrection of Christ and be filled with the truth and hope of His glorious return.
.I. .L o v e. .SPRING.
As this is my very first post in almost a year now, I'm sure you all know I am not 17 months pregnant (praise GOD) but I have a beautiful 8 month old little lady that I am blessed to spend every single day with!
Isn't she the sweetest?? :)

^link to her awesome Etsy shop! :)

That's her with her adoring Grandpa B :)
more pics to come..
I went off on a limb this year for Easter and decided to cook Easter dinner for the Brooks side of the fam. Of course all day the day before I decided to go on a spring cleaning spree while Brian was working, and forgot to make the chicken! SO, after Brian got home and helped me finish cleaning, we started to prep the chicken. At 1:30 in the morning.. we finished and had everything cleaned up around 3AM and decided to just stay up since we were afraid we wouldn't wake up at 6 to make it to our church that is 45 minutes away by 8.
sidenote:(Brian was in the drama this year which was AWESOME! Great job, honey! Brought me..and many others to tears. It was very powerful and God was glorified in our lives. Also, awesome job CJ Breedlove, whom authored and directed the drama in submission to the Holy Spirit! It was truly Awesome.)
back to the early morning of Easter:
So while Brian went upstairs to pick out a movie, I decided to give our foster-cat some water.. and spilled an entire pitcher of water all over her food dish, the trash can, and the floor. I fell asleep during the movie and got a couple hours of sleep, but Brian stayed up all night. The next day, I am convinced that we had a divine energy from the Lord.. a second wind of sorts until we got to my mom's house to crash. We had lunch there (SO good! Thanks mom and Shelly!!) and visited with family before heading back home to the gathering of family there.
The chicken, and potato dish that I left for my wonderful mother-in-law to tackle, turned out so incredibly good! (phew!) It was a recipe I picked up from the kitchen in Minnesota at Bethany College of Missions.. I volunteered there as a requirement for my internship with the Honor Academy which shared the same campus for the year. We served this dish on special occasions and weddings ONLY, so it seemed fitting for Easter :)
Here are the recipes! These potatoes MUST be served alongside the chicken, or it is NOT the same whatsoever!! And, both should be served piping HOT! :) Enjoy!

What are some of your favourite family recipes or traditions for Easter?
: ) So sweet to catch up on how you're doing. I'm glad you had a lovely easter lovely lady!